Take a Ride on the Reading

1079 Reading

This is for booklovers only.

It was a nice summer. Though I worked on curriculum and teacher training, I had time to get to the park and read on a regular basis.

Every weekend Renmin University holds a large outdoor book sale. Last May, when I was running out of reading material, I went to this book sale (which was discovered by KK) and I picked up a few books to add to my meager library.

One was a silly little mystery that I just finished.

1080 Murder

Feeling guilty for reading such simple stuff, I’ve just started something a little more substantive.

1081 Bertrand

But after only a few pages, I get a little sleepy, so now I balance Russell’s book with either science fiction short stories…

1082 Sci Fi

…or Sherlock Holmes (which I’ve read completely – every short story and every novel – at least 3 times since my youth).

1083 Sherlock

It is very common for classics to be printed in China with the English and Chinese versions side by side, as in this case.

1084 Sherlock pages

I suspect the original was scanned with the aid of an optical character reader (OCR) because the English side has weird, OCR-type errors. I’m trying to finish this quickly so I can give it to one of the workers in the cafeteria who, I’ve learned, is an avid reader.

I’m also currently reading Meacham’s well-written biography of Thomas Jefferson. I highly recommend it.

1085 Jefferson

In my current circumstances, I like to have several books going at the same time so I can choose depending on my mood, location, and time of day.

When I was in junior high, my older brother handed down to me a book called A Leaf in a Storm by Lin Yutang, a very famous author in both the Chinese and English languages. I never got around to reading it (though I still have it), I use the philosophy embodied in its title often in conversations or speeches.

A few days ago I was helping a teacher move her stuff from one dorm room to another. Unfortunately, the other dorm room was my extra bedroom, hopefully only a temporary stopover.

1086 Bedroom

I noticed a colorful book and asked about it, thereby discovering that it, too, was by Lin Yutang. So, now I’m reading that book, also: Moment in Peking.

1087 Moment

It’s a novel that takes place in China during the Boxer Rebellion (around 1900), and it turns out that A Leaf in a Storm is its sequel. It’s written in what I view as a typical flowery Chinese style, and it depicts what life in China was like in those days in great detail.

I have two basic venues for reading: the park, on most afternoons, and in bed just before going to sleep. I can read any of my four current books in the park. The problem is the other venue, where I’m laying flat on my back: Sherlock is large and floppy and requires two hands to hold; Jefferson is heavy and requires two hands; Western Philosophy is heavy in a different sense and more effective than 3 Ambien; and Moment is, at least at the moment, fairly sad and not something I want to go to sleep with.

All of which adds up to the fact that I need to go back to the book sale and buy a cheesy novel to read at night.


P.S. Yeah, I know it’s “redding.”